Sunday, May 9, 2010

J'aime ma maman!

(ABOVE: I made this for a contest on a Facebook app... It's kind of lame, I know, but it's mother's day, right?)

Sooooo happy Mother's day! Mine is pretty good so far! I made my mom a card, with a messed-up haiku (I did 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 7 syllables... >.< ) in Japanese, and a heartfelt message in French, as my mom is fluent in French. I could not get her a gift, I had no one to take me to the store, so I gave her money to go towards the plants she wanted to get... She's into gardening in the summer.

And she got me something! It's a necklace- with a heart shaped key. She said that she knew it was Mother's day, but the necklaces represented me and my sister or something along those lines...
Gosh, I am randomly sleepy- but I am ALMOST done READING Fraternité!

CLICK CLICK CLICK that link NOW if you want to read an ADDICTIVE Phanfic! It's so "O.O OMG!!!" and "WTA????!??!!??!?!?!?" AND "NO WAY! NO WAY!" and most of all "SQWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Worthy that you would not believe it! :3

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